Big spoon or eye appointment

I remember reading or hearing a story once from someone who had met the Dalai Lama.  He described the emotional fluidity of the Dalai Lama - sobbing one moment at the suffering in the world and belly laughing in the next with joy.  

It made such an impression - Can't you just visualize that grace and ease for moving effortlessly across the full range of human emotions? 

What a powerful strategy for being fully present with suffering while living wholeheartedly in hope and joy!  How much more energizing and empowering to show up for the people and causes you care about from this space!

Young children seem to model this as well - crying and raging one moment about how much they'll miss the big spoon and giggling and jumping excitedly the next about going to an eye doctor appointment (true story 🤣).  

I've been reflecting on this a lot lately as it seems to represent so much of what I aspire to and experience on a daily basis. 

Moving with emotions, rather than fighting against them, offers such freedom and possibility.

How do you move with your emotions?

What would change for you if you could feel this ease in the transition of your feelings, trusting how naturally they flow rather than fighting to avoid some and envelop yourself in others?

How could you bring more fluidity to your responses and experiences of your full range of feelings?

I imagine you have feelings and sensations you enjoy and crave and others you dread and despise.  However, it is often in our effort to control our feelings that we perpetuate the very feelings we are trying so diligently to avoid.

My hope is that you can feel calm and steady, even when you are present with the most intense emotions, because you can trust that another belly laugh will be just a moment away. 

And in knowing, and trusting, this emotional buoyancy, that you may find the life raft you need for the storms and the vision you need for the rainbows.

You matter.  You can make a difference.  And, I'm so thankful you're here.


life cycle of the butterfly 🦋


Jar of sparkles, wreath of hands