life cycle of the butterfly 🦋

How long does it take for the first flutter of a butterfly's wings?


Do you count from when the egg is laid?  From when a baby caterpillar is hatched?  Or when the butterfly emerges from its chrysalis? 


So many moments arrive and pass in an instant, despite taking weeks, months, or years to develop to that point of readiness.


Sometimes it appears that nothing is changing at all, until suddenly a dramatic shift appears to happen all at once.


Spring was very slow to arrive in my corner of the world this year.  In late April snow again fell and blanketed the ground.  A glance at the trees would have you convinced they were still dormant and perhaps considering a boycott on summer.  😉  


Even early spring flowers of crocus and daffodil seemed reluctant to show their faces.


Then, seemingly overnight (but realistically within a week), trees burst forth with their variety of petals and leafs, tulips shot up and opened, and temperatures reached 90 degrees!  


Of course, the seasons of fall and winter were also part of the process.  The arrival of color, light, and warmth that seemed to arrive so quickly (finally!) had been in process for months.


Where do you see a seemingly instantaneous change that hides months or years in the making?  


Lately I see it everywhere...

  • Failing health of a loved one

  • School districts banning books representing diversity

  • War in Ukraine

  • Supreme Court overturning of Roe v. Wade

  • Supermarket shooting in Buffalo

But, the negative events are not the whole story.  It's important to remember that positive change can happen in similar fashion - and not to underestimate the ways you make a difference.

  • Conversations you have repeatedly that seem to be going nowhere, until...

  • Signing petitions, making calls, again and again, until...

  • Completing quality work with excellence despite being under-appreciated and overlooked, until...

  • Protesting injustice and promoting hope, compassion, and justice, until...

What are times when you've witnessed or experienced a positive change that seemed like it would never happen?

Even if you don't see the immediate results (or even longterm results) of your efforts, please don't underestimate your impact.

Some times seem to pass at blazing speed, and other times seem to stand still. Whichever moment you are in, my hope for you is that you find the meaning you need in this moment that sustains you for what lies ahead.

The butterfly only lives about 2-6 weeks.  How much beauty, grace, transformation, and joy they represent within that short life span!  No matter how much, or how little, time you have, please remember, you also hold the power to make a difference.

You matter. You can make a difference. I'm so thankful you're here.


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