You are enough 💜 💞💖

You are enough.  


I hope you can roll your eyes with an exasperated, "Of course!  Why are you stating the obvious!" or an enthusiastic, "I sure am!"  Even a calm breath and exhale that represents a peaceful, "Yes."


More than likely, however, you feel spend your days feeling like anything but enough.  


Maybe you even argue between intellectually or spiritually reminding yourself you're enough while emotionally straining to feel it's truth.  


Perhaps you more often feel the demands closing in around you, the many priorities of tasks and chores, loved ones needing care, and social ills standing in the way of justice, compassion, and health.


Deep down, almost anyone I talk with feels the "too" of their existence...


Feeling like too much, or too little (or both, since criticisms don't have to follow reason).  


Too sensitive, too silly, too serious.  

Too loud.  Too quiet.  

Too feminine.  Too masculine.  

Too passive.  Too aggressive.  

Too old.  Too young.  

Too light.  Too dark.  


What's your "too"?  


What if you could really internalize that You Are Enough?  


How would your breath, your body, and your actions shift?


What might you be able to learn, do, and accomplish if you could fully embody the experience of already being enough?


You are enough.  


No matter what you've heard.  No matter what you've believed.  No matter how you've been treated...


You are enough.  


You matter.  You can make a difference.  I'm so thankful you're here.


sunset, stars, and seasickness 🌅 🌟


fortune-telling and crystal balls