Thank you, I'm truly grateful for you
I'm sitting down to write this wishing to keep it hopeful and encouraging and yet also feeling the weight of a sudden, significant loss this weekend of a loved one. It is another reminder of how precious, delicate, and short life is, along with the importance of living authentically and fully based on our values and love for one another.
I'm so fortunate in so many ways, and one of the things for which I am grateful is the hundreds of you who have shown your deep, compassionate hearts to me with your willingness to show up in difficult conversations and challenging topics to learn, grow, and connect with one another to become stronger allies.
I have heard from you about how hard it is. The emotional reflections, the heaviness, the anxiety and fear. I have heard from you about the amazing books, family conversations, and community engagement in which you're participating.
Many of you attended or watched the replay of the previous offering of the Moving Compassion to Action Micro-course, and have told me you're still processing.
What this tells me is that, as hard as this is, at this point in time or any other, you are not falling into complacency or giving up. You are doing what you can, from wherever you are, to keep growing. Thank you. It is individuals like you that encourage me in hope for meaningful change.
It is especially hard (I think I'd even venture to say near-impossible) to do this work individually. When we turn on the news, when we read a book that opens our eyes to new information, when we intervene in individual interactions or systemic imbalances to create change, we draw on a limited supply of our time and energy.
And yet, each one of you matters in these efforts. When I think about the work that you are all doing, I am reminded again and again that the more of us remain engaged, the less the burden has to be shouldered by the few and by the already over-burdened. By showing up with open minds, shifting your perspectives, and learning better ways to lift up the voices that have been marginalized and protect the lives that have been dehumanized, you are strengthening and building a coalition that can shift the balance of power toward creation of a more just and equitable society.
We know people are much more likely to change through experiences and relationships than arguments and data. Each of you has the ability, through your relationships, to impact others who in turn can also become more socially conscious and join in the efforts.
Your efforts magnify exponentially.
You matter. You can make a difference. I'm so thankful you're here.