overcome with emotion (plus link to verified charities)
Sometimes, it's impossible to find the words or know what to say, because no words can fully measure and contain the feelings behind them.
Many have already shared how overwhelmed they feel about what's happening to Ukraine.
buried or drowned beneath a huge mass,
defeated completely,
given too much of a thing, or
overcome with emotion as a result of being given too much of a thing that's just too much to handle...
There are no words to adequately convey the terror, the suffering, the loss, the heartbreak that Ukrainians are facing as they courageously stand for their lives and their freedom.
There are no words to adequately convey the secondary trauma and retraumatization happening to people all over the world as they wonder about their homeland, the friends and family members still there, or what the future will hold.
Even when words are wholly inadequate, we must try to give voice to our solidarity with justice, with compassion, with love.
Overwhelm can be a transition point. We cannot allow it to be the end point. We cannot allow the definition of "defeated completely" to be the one we embody.
Many voices, many hands, many hearts, many actions create the full chorus of change. Each is needed. You are needed.
In service of your most sustainable and effective contributions, connect and respond to your own needs, whatever they may be...
When you need to cry....cry with your whole body.
When you need to hug...hug with all your might.
When you need to listen...listen with both ears open.
When you need to respond...respond with your whole heart.
Allow the deepest parts of your emotions, sensations, and passions to shepherd your words and actions.
If you are looking for options, this article lists 7 verified charities supporting Ukrainians.
You matter. You can make a difference. I'm so thankful you're here.