holding dreams, finding hope 💫

Last week, I had the pleasure of seeing "Wish," Disney's latest animated movie, with my daughter and nieces.  It's a story centered on the power of dreams, wishes, and hope - the vulnerability of holding onto them and the costs of locking them away or giving them up to protect against loss and suffering.  


Then, earlier this week, I was asked a parallel question in a podcast interview:  What gives you hope?


The question referred to how I find hope through my work despite recognition and awareness of the profound suffering in the world.  (I'll let you know when the episode is released.  The podcast hosts are excellent and I can't wait for you to hear them share their insights and experiences as well!)


I hadn't been asked this before, and had no prepared or practiced response.  I did, however, immediately know my answer.


What was it?…  

I'm so grateful for the inspiration and hope I experience through people like you.

  • When I consider the incredible people doing amazing things in the world...people like the impressive female leaders in this year's Chrysalis Collective cohort, the dedicated staff and volunteers at the local homeless shelter I met while facilitating a workshop yesterday, and the passionate HR, DEI, civil rights, and education professionals who've participated in my workshops over the years, I am filled with hope.

  • When I anticipate attending and supporting educational leaders at next week's Q10 conference - a conference full of speakers and attendees invested in equity in education for K-12 students, I am filled with hope.  (Will I see you there? Let me know!) 

  • When I witness the resilience of clients, colleagues, and friends who pick themselves up again and again to make a difference for the people, communities, and organizations they care deeply about, I am filled with hope.


It's quite a contrast to how you'd feel skimming the news feed or even listening to most everyday conversations.  


Sometimes it's helpful to be reminded... people like you are making a difference - person by person, conversation by conversation, letter by letter, policy by policy, one foot in front of the other - Every. Single. Day. 


You'll likely see my reflections on Wish come back around in a future blog.  There are quite a few lessons for kids and adults alike!  ðŸ˜Š


In the meantime, however, I share Asha's wish..."to have something more for us than this!"


You can watch a video with all the lyrics to "This Wish" here.  


I'll draw your attention to a couple of lines that speak to holding hope as both an inspiration and and a guide to what can be...


🎶 Oh, this is where we've been, but it's not where we belong... 


🎵 If knowing what it could be is what guides me, then let me be the first to stand in line...


 ðŸŽ¼ So I make this wish, to have something more for us than this.


What wish guides you?  


Where do you find hope?


May your wishes, dreams, and hopes continue to live fully in your heart and guide you toward your greatest wellbeing combined with your greatest impact.


expired license 🪪 😳


You're amazing 🤩